Custom synthesis

custom synthesis
custom synthesis
Do you need an internal standard or reference compounds or metabolites for your analysis or toxicological studies, which are currently not commercially available from any other source?
We produce such substances on your request or develop a synthesis concept for their production.
Our employees have many years of experience in synthesis with the highest purity requirements. The focus of the synthesis is on toxicologically relevant substances and their metabolites. For quality assurance, analytical data such as melting point, high field H-NMR, UV-vis, LC-MS characterization are provided.

PAH and PAH metabolites:

  • Phenols, Diols, Tetrols
  • Diolepoxides

Conjugates and adducts:

  • GSH-conjugates
  • mercapturic acids
  • Hb-adducts
  • DNA-adducts

Internal standards:

  • 2H-labelling
  • 13C-labelling